Tuesday, February 25, 2025

ESPN W Features Payge McMahon on “Journeys & Victories”

ESPN W features Payge McMahon's inspiring story on 'Journeys & Victories.' Watch the video and read the article titled, "Payge McMahon Tackles Her Mother's Bucket List." Payge on ESPN W  

McMahon on the Cover of Self Reliance Illustrated

Self Reliance Illustrated, the leading magazine in outdoor and wilderness survival, with over 135,000 print and digital subscribers, has chosen Payge McMahon as the first woman to appear on their cover.  McMahon is the author of...

CG Magazine interviews McMahon in “Life is a Payge Turner”

Popular Canadian writer, Joanne Richards, interviews American Athlete and Journalist, Payge McMahon, for CG Magazine.  Her article, titled "Life is a Payge Turner," is featured in this month's issue on page 24. To read "Life as a...

Music Selection in Yoga for the Inner-Athlete Workshop

<img class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-586" title="Om Symbol" src="https://www.turnthepayge.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/OmSymbol-300x300 .jpg" alt="" width="118" height="100" />I had a great time teaching a ‘Yoga for the Inner-Athlete’ Workshop at Yoga Country studio in Brentwood, TN.  Thank you to Amy...

January 22, 2011: Yoga Workshop taught by Payge McMahon

On Satuday, January 22, 2011 from 2-4pm Payge McMahon will be teaching an EXCITING workshop called 'Yoga for the Inner-Athlete' at Yoga Country in Brentwood, TN. The workshop is $25 and you can reserve your spot at: www.yogacountry.com Designed to bring...