Monday, March 10, 2025
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Jumping into 2011…Literally!!


I’m going to make 2011 an EXCITING year!!  What better way to start it off then by jumping off a 35 foot cliff in Jamaica on 1/1/11.

It wasn’t the first time I jumped off the famous platform at Rick’s Café in Negril and I am sure it won’t be my last.

No matter how many times I jump (physically & metaphorically), the moment I step on the platform, my body starts to resist.  Outside I’m smiling and looking confident.  Inside, my heart starts to race, fear suddenly fills my veins and I want to turn away.  A tingling sensation of adrenaline courses through my limbs.  A chill creeps up my spine and I shudder.  My inside voice tells me not to look down at the water, but I do.  It looks so far away.  My heart beats faster.  I try to calm myself and take long, slow breathes.  I look around.  Hundreds of people are crowded around the cliff.  They are all talking, but I can’t hear them.  I force myself to look straight ahead.  ‘DON’T LOOK DOWN!!’ my mind screams and this time I listen.  I fight everything inside me and step off the platform.

I’m falling.  Instinctively, I hold my nose with my right hand and raise my left hand straight up into the air. I don’t know why I raise the one arm into the air, but I do.  I feel exhilarated plunging through the air.  I want to scream, but I don’t visite site. While I am falling, I don’t look down, but straight ahead.  I close my eyes for impact. A little over 1 second and at 35MPH, I hit the water feet first.  WHOOSH!!  The ocean swallows me whole.  My body relaxes.  Momentum tumbles me through the cool, silky, salt water.  I roll with it. I take a quick inventory when I stop and realize everything is ok.  I kick towards the surface. I break through and take a huge breath of fresh air.  The sun is still shining, I feel great, life is good… J

January 22, 2011: Yoga Workshop taught by Payge McMahon


On Satuday, January 22, 2011 from 2-4pm Payge McMahon will be teaching an EXCITING workshop called ‘Yoga for the Inner-Athlete’ at Yoga Country in Brentwood, TN. The workshop is $25 and you can reserve your spot at:

Designed to bring out and cultivate your inner athlete. 2011 is your year! Embrace the power of yoga and how it can positively enhance your everyday life. This creative Vinyasa Flow/Pilates infused, total body workout, will link core strength, shoulders, arms, legs, chest, back, gluts, posture, alignment, flexibility and breath to make a stronger you. ‘Yoga for the Inner Athlete’ will leave you invigorated and ready for any challenge! Get excited about life and take control!   Carpe Diem!

Self Reliance Illustrated features ‘Ask Payge’- Outdoor Advice Column


Get Self Reliance Illustrated!!! The new outdoor magazine created by Dave Canterbury from Dual Survivor and BHK. Each issue will feature ‘ASK PAYGE’, my fun advice column on backpacking, gear, and all things wilderness:-)

Self Reliance Illustrated
Get your subscription today:

Check it out folks!!

Learjet, Cryosurgery & Payge McMahon = Go Steelers!


Once in awhile I get spoiled! I joined Cryosurgery and Learjets for a quick round trip flight up to Cincinnati for Monday Night Football: Bengals vs. Steelers. Being a country girl from Pennsylvania, of course I was cheering for the Steelers (BTW- they won;-)

I enjoyed the stadium suite, meeting new folks and getting a special preview ride in the new 2011 Learjet 45. Base price = $12.7 Million. If I wanted an iPod hook up with Blue Ray, that was an additional $70K. A microwave was $15K! Holy Hell! That being said… I could get used to a private jet!;-) I’m already composing my letter to the CEO…

Dear Mr. Learjet CEO,

If you sponsor me, I promise to shamelessly promote your name and display your logo everywhere.

Kind Regards,

Payge McMahon 🙂

Thank you Cryosurgery and Learjets (Bombardier) for a fun evening!

Payge McMahon with Brian Render, a cute Cincy fan:-)

Chairman of Cryosurgery, Ron McDow & Payge McMahon

‘Nashville on the Move’ Campaign with Mayor Karl Dean & Adventure Athelte Payge McMahon

Nashville on the Move Campaign with Mayor Karl Dean
Nashville on the Move Campaign with Mayor Karl Dean

November 6, 2010: It was another beautiful, crisp, sunny day as we continued the ‘Nashville on the Move’ campaign encouraging folks to get outside and be active.  Scores of locals came out and joined us for the official re-opening of the Richland Creek Greenway Trail, closed since the May flood.  We took a two mile stroll along the fields and tree lined trail.  It was my first time on the trail and I will be sure to add it to my places to ‘run’ in Nashville.