Monday, March 10, 2025
Home Blog Page 18

Day 1 (India Adventure) EWR to Delhi: 17 Hours & 10 time zones


Lufthansa Airlines is my new BFF! This Freulein was bounced over business and upgraded to 1st class. A 17 hour trip from Newark to Delhi, with a brief layover in Frankfurt, Germany, this was a serious bonus! It was my 1st time flying true international 1st class. I fear I am ruined for anything less. I better win the lottery.

Lufthansa’s International 1st is like nothing I’ve seen before. You get a reclining seat AND a bed next to it. They even give you freaking pajamas! I asked the flight attendant if we were supposed to give them back. I’m such a dork. Once in the air, I looked around my fancy double decker digs to see if anyone else was going to put on their pajamas. No one moved. Screw it! I went into the bathroom and put on my pjs! I wanted the full experience.

I ate and drank everything they offered. Lamb, wine, rich deserts… I’m pretty sure I gained 10 lbs on the flight. I watched the Vitto Moretenson movie ‘Hidalgo’ (its good!). Instead of regular headsets, they have Bose. Nice! Afterwards, I put in my earplugs, put on my eye mask, crawled into my pod’s bed and slept like a baby.

I had an hour layover at the Frankfurt airport and even took advantage of access to their 1st class flight lounge and took a hot shower before my final leg to Delhi.

Back on the plane to Delhi and in between eating, watching movies and sleeping, I had a nice conversation with an Indian business man across the aisle. Turns out he owns a medical billing company based in NJ with a call center is in New Delhi. After we landed and went through customs, Rohit , offered to have his driver take me to my hotel. I thanked him and took him up on his generosity. It was 1:30am and it saved me from hassling with a Taxi driver and about $30. I just love meeting new people, especially nice ones. There really are a lot of good people in this world. We just need to smile more often and take the time to meet them.

It is after 2am by the time I crawl into bed at the Hotel Connaught in New Delhi. I am smiling and happy. It has been a great start to my India-Nepal adventure. Later today I will meet the European group that I will be traveling with for the next 2 weeks across Northern India and into Nepal. Hope they are nice!

Lufthansa Airline PJs

Phillies Girl goes to her 1st Dodgers Game in Style!


Most people who know me say my life is like Forrest Gump’s.  How this Phillies’ girl got to attended her 1st Dodgers game on August 29th with Dennis “Go Go” Gilbert and Bret Saberhagen,  2X Cy Young award winner and 85’ World Series MVP, will have some shaking their heads laughing.

I was in Los Angeles when Bret invited me to attend my 1st Dodgers game.  The next thing I know Dennis is giving me a tour of the media booth, dinner at the Dugout Club and we all sat in front row seats, directly behind home plate. If you saw the game, you probably got a glimpse of me smiling behind the umpire.

I grew up going to Veterans Stadium with my step-dad, sister and friends.  Glove in hand we cheered on Mike Schmidt, Steve Carlton, Darren Dalton, Lenny Dykstra and John Kruk.  I loved the Phillie Phanatic and enjoyed eating cold, yet soft, Philly Pretzels and shelling peanuts.

I took it all in at Dodgers’ Stadium on a beautiful L.A. night in my fancy, front row seats.  I even got to meet Larry King!  He is so nice as is his wife Shawn, who really encouraged me to get on board and join Twitter.  I’m still resisting that one!

At the end of the night, the L.A. Dodgers’ beat the San Diego Padres with a score of 4-1 and left-hander Clayton Kershaw achieved his 17th win as a Dodger.

It was a fun time for this Phillies girl!

Interview with Jim Davidson, co-author of the gripping book ‘The Ledge – An Adventure Story of Friendship and Survival on Mount Rainier’


Author, motivational speaker and mountaineer, Jim Davidson and I recently sat down to discuss his new book, The Ledge-An Adventure Story of Friendship and Survival on Mt. Rainier.

It is a gripping real life account of two friends, Jim and Mike Price, both experienced climbers, summit of 14,410 foot, Mount Rainier via the challenging Liberty Ridge route on June 21, 1992. As they descended the Emmons Glacier, without warning, a snow-bridge collapsed beneath Jim’s feet and dropped him into a huge, hidden glacial crevasse.

As Jim plummeted, Mike tried to stop him but couldn’t. The two friends dropped 80 feet into the glacier and were buried by falling snow. Mike did not survive.

Buried in snow and trapped in the crevasse, Jim was alone. Devastated at the loss of his friend, Jim was surrounded by ice and fear. Jim had to climb the frozen, overhanging walls of the crevasse, or die trying. ~ The Ledge

I have to say, I was HOOKED on this book after reading the first sentence, ”I peered off the ledge into blackness.”  As a fellow climber, what Jim went through is every mountaineer’s worst nightmare.  I can’t even imagine… 

Payge:  Jim, how old were you when the accident happened in 1992?

Jim:  29 years old

Payge:  What was it like writing this book with co-author Kevin Vaughn?

Jim: It took us 2 & ½ years to complete The Ledge. Shortly after the accident, I sat down and made hours and hours of tape recordings, just talking about what happened.  I was still in shock and needed to process things, especially the loss of Mike. It was years later that I met Kevin, a reporter for the Denver Post, and we decided to write the book together. We went back and forth so much, neither of us could probably tell you who wrote what chapter by now. It was a long process.

Payge: Was it hard writing the book, reliving everything over again?

Jim:  Distance and time have helped. The wound is still there though. I wanted to honor his memory, it is a story that should be told and I felt it would help others.

Payge:  What are the 3 things you learned the most from the accident?

Jim:  The first thing is how resilient we are as human beings.  The second is reaffirming the commitment you have to your partner, either in life, work or play. It was something my Dad taught me when we worked together painting tall buildings, bridges and etc.  When you are belaying someone you are connected to with a rope, and they are high up on a pole or wherever, their life is in your hands. Dad always said, “No matter what, never let go!”  The third lesson I learned is that you can rebuild your life when something bad happens.  Don’t quit living. This transcend though any difficult time.

Payge:  Have you continued to climb mountains?

Jim:  Yes, but it took awhile to regain my confidence in doing difficult, technical climbs.  I’ve co-led various expeditions from 1998-2007.  In 2009, I summit my highest mountain to date, Cho Oyu (26,906). I am working my way up and in 2013 I will climb Mt. Everest (29,029 feet).

Payge:  I wish you the best of luck! You will do great.

Jim: Thanks!

Payge: On a lighter note, when climbing, we all know altitude plays around with our appetites’.  What do you crave when on the mountain?

Jim:  (Laughing) I love Hersey’s chocolate and instant mashed-potatoes.

For more information on Jim Davidson or The Ledge:


Jim & Mike on the summit of Mt. Rainier

“True Adventurer was in a Body Cast at Age 16”: The Morning Call (Tribune) Interview


Emmaus native Payge McMahon takes life to new heights – The Morning Call (Gary Blockus) – July 5, 2011

You haven’t seen her on “Survivor, “The Great Race,” or even “Expedition Impossible,” but it’s a safe bet that 37-year-old Emmaus native Payge McMahon’s exploits are a lot more real and genuine than those seen on those adventure reality shows.

McMahon is a true adventurer, climbing some of the highest mountains in the world like Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, and Mount Fuji in Japan. She has assisted disabled and at-risk military veterans on climbs and treacherous hikes through the Wounded Warrior Project, and she has rubbed elbows with NFL stars past and present, most recently playing charity softball with former Tennessee Titans coach Jeff Fisher and fellow Penn State alum Kerry Collins.

She has hiked through Rift Valley in Tanzania with the Maasai and is a frequent climbing partner of former Washington Redskins “hog” Ken Huff, who climbed Kilimanjaro with her.

In March, she co-hosted Alaska HDTV coverage of the 1,049-mile Iditarod Sled Dog Race.

Now based in Nashville, McMahon is an outdoor/wilderness advice columnist for Self Reliance Illustrated (, which is co-owned by Dave Canterbury, one of the co-stars of the hit Discovery Channel series “Dual Survivor.”

While it sounds like an adventurous lifestyle, that was not always the case.

A 1992 graduate of Emmaus High School where she played softball, McMahon was a passenger in a car that was involved in a horrific accident. She suffered a broken back.

While she diligently worked on her rehabilitation, she knew she’d have to rely on her brain for a living. She received a degree in International Politics from Penn State and went to graduate school in California before working on Wall Street for 10 years and getting married…

To finish reading The Morning Call interview of Payge McMahon :,0,822902.column

“Turn the Payge” is Feature Article in ‘HerNashville’ Magazine’s Adventure Issue


I’ve never been the kind of girl who dreamt of wearing a white princess dress for a big church wedding, or living in a huge house with a picket fence, 2.5 children and a dog. There is absolutely nothing wrong that dream; I think it is great and I live vicariously through my sister, minus a dog.

As I progressed through my teens, twenties and now thirties, I wondered if there was something wrong with me because I didn’t want those things. As long as I can remember, I have always had a gypsy soul, wanting to travel the world, meet new people and try everything.

I grew up in the Pennsylvania countryside; I am literally three generations removed from driving a horse and buggy, so I was genetically wired to stay put! But I couldn’t…

To finish reading the article go to: 

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