January 22, 2011: Yoga Workshop taught by Payge McMahon


On Satuday, January 22, 2011 from 2-4pm Payge McMahon will be teaching an EXCITING workshop called ‘Yoga for the Inner-Athlete’ at Yoga Country in Brentwood, TN. The workshop is $25 and you can reserve your spot at: www.yogacountry.com

Designed to bring out and cultivate your inner athlete. 2011 is your year! Embrace the power of yoga and how it can positively enhance your everyday life. This creative Vinyasa Flow/Pilates infused, total body workout, will link core strength, shoulders, arms, legs, chest, back, gluts, posture, alignment, flexibility and breath to make a stronger you. ‘Yoga for the Inner Athlete’ will leave you invigorated and ready for any challenge! Get excited about life and take control!   Carpe Diem!