Koh Samui, Thailand


I am on the island of Koh Samui which is off the east coast of southern Thailand. It has been overcast the past few days. I have enjoyed some down-time, sleeping, reading and walking around the island. It is very touristy and pricey. I am told Koh Phangan is very different.

I met my fellow students and teachers tonight at a beach restaurant down the street from my hotel. Everyone seems nice. The 15 students represent countries including, Japan, New Zealand, Spain, England and the US. We take a 45 minute ferry over to the island of Koh Phangan tomorrow. It will be my home for the next month. I am looking forward to checking out my jungle living accommodations, i.e. hut and starting the Yoga teacher training program. In addition to no alcohol, meat and caffeine, I just found out we are also not allowed to have any SUGAR for the next month!!!???? Oh my…NO chocolate???? Thats SO not right!